KMK Architects
01 about
An award-winning, London based architecture firm with over 30 years of experience. We specialise in architecture with a focus on sustainable, modern, functional design made for everyday life.
Our work evolves through building, teaching, research and competition entries. We are continually exploring how materials can be used in innovative, sustainable and elegant ways.
The aim is to keep the process of making architecture open, and to allow a little invention in whatever we do.
02 selected works
03 who we are
We are led by 3 experienced architects, whose collaborative skill set has resulted in a body of built work that belies our size.
Our architects are a combination of varied backgrounds, interests and experience to produce a well-rounded team, whose complementary skills support each project.
Mike Kane Dip.Arch (PSB) and Fawzia Muradali-Kane Dip. Arch (PSB) formed KMK Architects as a partnership in 1995 and had previously worked in architectural practices on projects and buildings in both the public and private sectors in the UK and Caribbean.

Mike's experience includes public and private housing, and medium sized residential developments for private clients in London, Manchester, Leicester, Luton and Tobago. Working on both modern contemporary and listed historic buildings. He has been involved in architectural education for over 25 years, and currently teaches part-time at the architecture school in Reading University (& previously in South Bank University).

Fawzia has extensive building contract administration and dispute resolution experience, and is involved mainly in the site and project management aspects of the practice. She is a Conservation Registrant with the RIBA and is working towards Conservation Architect status.

Karen Brooks MA. Dip Arch (Cantab) has extensive site experience which includes larger scale educational, and industrial projects. She has acted for a wide range of projects from smaller refurbishments to multi-million pound schemes. She is based in Lincoln and works in KMK’s office in London 2-3 days per week. She is also a qualified cycling sports coach.
04 contact
✉️ info@kmkarchitects.co.uk 📞 020 7582 7527
📍 85 Lambeth Walk, London, SE11 6DX